Hi, I’m Courtney, founder, designer, hobbyist photographer & mama.

Sewing and sketching from a young age, I was always inspired by fabrics and trims and the vision to create magical pieces. Turning my bedroom into a small production studio and scavenging through fabric stores for unique details. Now over 20 years later I have turned my passion into Co & Ry and working hard to build a brand I am proud of.

My passion lies in creating and curating beautiful products and surrounding myself with clever women along the way. Women are magical creatures and I am often inspired by different forms of women hood from all over the world, old photographs and our connection with our children.

I find so much joy in motherhood and my work, and I am forever grateful that I have been able to create this life. I hope my energy is helping others to start asking questions for themselves, as I too grew up believing that often life and dreams stopped at motherhood.

My personal goal is to show my two young daughters what they can achieve and to only follow their passions, that is my inspiration to keep working and growing on this brand. 

Mothers with their children in black and white