AT HOME WITH | Hannah Elizabeth | Photographer, Nurse and Mama


Hannah Elizabeth is the women behind the lens of 'Hannah Elizabeth Photography' based in Melbourne's north-east , and to say I fell in love with her work is an understatement! I first discovered Hannah on Instagram while scrolling through my feed and was stopped in my tracks by her photography. It was warm, it was full of emotion and it was just damn straight beautiful. But then, I was even more captivated by her shots with her daughter. Hannah managed to capture moments that most women dream about capturing with their children, something that they will cherish for a lifetime.

I knew I wanted to work with Hannah and that she was the perfect muse for our new collection 'Nostalgia'....the collection is all about women-hood, mothers, down to earth and a little barefoot and boho....Hannah's mothering country girl vibe was exactly how I envisioned  it being worn. 

I interviewed Hannah for the very first 'At Home with' series and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did getting to know Hannah Elizabeth




Tell us a bit about you? Where are you from? Who’s in your family?

I’m Hannah, Mum to Nova, wife to Ryan, and mum to two beautiful Rottweilers. I grew up down by the beach and moved to the yarra valley when I was younger. We live in a beautiful area now surrounded by so much nature and wild life but I know one day we will live by the ocean again, it’s very much in our bones and we are down there a lot (pre covid of course) 

I’m a registered nurse, photographer and my greatest blessing, a mother. I can truly say I was a little lost before becoming a mother, I finally became my true self when I became a mum. 



 Can you tell us more about your background and how you came to start photography?

I’ve always been an artist, I studied art in school but my medium was always painting, canvas work, charcoal and sketching. I found photography when I had Nova. My husband had brought me a DSLR about a year earlier but I never knew how to use it properly. 

I developed a passion for photography after I had Nova, I just wanted to capture her growing up. She drove me to learn and as a new mum it was so nice to have something creative to focus on that also involved her. I love capturing every day life with her. Friends and family started to ask me constantly to take photos for them, as they loved seeing the photos I took and also the photos of me with Nova, in the frame with my baby (thanks to my darling husband)! My friends who are mothers wanted the same, photos WITH their babies not just of their babies. 

I finally gave in and started Hannah Elizabeth photography as my hobby business and I’ve never looked back. It’s something for me, it feeds my soul and it gives me the greatest joy to capture mums with their children. 



How did you develop your own photography style?

I’ve always loved warm, earthy, neutral tones so I’ve developed my photo style to suit that. I love my images to be warm and nurturing. Over time I’ve been able to create this. I love that photography is an evolving journey and I feel like my style will never be stagnant, I’m always trying new things even if they don’t work out all the time. 

Motherhood is what drives me, its always been the backbone to my photography, to capture the bond between a mother and her child. 



Is photography your only passion?

Absolutely not I have no many interests and passions, that’s the best thing about being a creative. I love crafts, interiors, fashion, plants and exploring the natural world. I’m also equal parts nurse as I am creative and love helping people. I worked full time as a nurse for nearly 10 years before becoming a mum. Becoming a mum helped me have the time to re discover all my creative passions but I still absolutely love nursing and helping others. 



What inspires you?

The journey of motherhood. It’s such a whirl wind, from finding out your pregnant seeing those two lines pop up... your life changes forever. It’s no longer just you, it’s all about that beautiful human you are growing. It’s life changing in the most beautiful way. I love the way motherhood can change you for the better, I see a lot on social media about loosing yourself in motherhood, but not a lot about how motherhood can actually help you find yourself and can create new opportunities. I also love exploring with Nova, the natural world inspires me so much.  



What does self-care look like for you? How do you look after yourself?

This has been something that has evolved for me over the years. Self care for me used to look like a face mask and going to the hairdressers. It’s so much more than that now. I’ve really explored this being a mum, I really wanted to make sure all parts of my self were being cared for; mind body and spirit. I meditate, practise gratitude, workout, have learnt my breath, try and get enough sleep, eat healthy and drink enough water. Obviously this is all in an ideal day (who doesn’t love a block of vegan choccie) but I do more than just the physical side of self care now and it’s really changed my mind set on a daily basis. 



What are four things you can’t live without?

Ohh that’s a hard one... 

My family 


Essential oils 

My camera (in no particular order) 



What’s on your manifest board?

I live each day as it comes, we don’t like to plan too far ahead in life and honestly we flow with what comes our way. But as I said earlier we would absolutely love a sea change one day! 



What is do you find the hardest part about being a parent / parent in business?

The juggle is real. I’ve found running a business never stops, there is almost always something to do. I’m often responding to clients and posting on social media whilst making a snack plate in the other hand. Something I’ve always stayed true to is that being a mum is my priority, I’ve kept photography as my hobby business so I can always enjoy it and thrive in the creative side of things. Your kids are only small once and I want to soak in every moment. 

I truly believe in flowing with what the day brings, in parenting and in business. Some days don’t go your way and some are harder than others but everything always works out even if it’s not the way you envisioned. 



What do you want your kids to learn about the world?

To always be kind and look after yourself, others and the earth. 




Follow Hannah here and her photography here. 

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